Next-Gen Recruitment
One Call at a Time
Seamless connection and valuable insights, revolutionizing the way recruiters connect with potential candidates.
Never Miss a Candidate with Direct Calls
Connect directly with candidates through Katch, or alternatively, share a unique calling link with non-Katch users. This empowers candidates to initiate a call from their browser, without the need for application downloads or account creation. No more missed opportunities or frustrating delays.
AI-Powered Insights for Every Call
Katch leverages advanced AI technology to provide detailed post-call summaries, outline actionable items, and deliver insights into your personal communication style. Our AI-powered features elevate your understanding of candidate interaction, enabling more strategic, informed recruitment decisions. Gone are the days of remembering candidate's salary expectations and preferences.
Tired of playing phone tag with candidates?
Say goodbye to the back-and-forth of traditional scheduling. Katch's Call Requests allow you to send flexible meeting invites without a specified time. Our intelligent system finds the perfect time slot that suits both you and your candidates.
Always Stay in Sync
When the perfect time to talk arrives, Katch sends a Smart Notification to both participants. A quick confirmation that you're free to chat, and voila! You're ready for your Katch call. No more missed opportunities or scheduling conflicts.
Finish a meeting early? Instantly make your availability known by Waving to others. If they're free too, you can jump on a call immediately. The more you wave, the better our time suggestions become for you and the other party.
Wave when you're free

Elevate Your Recruitment
Game with Katch

Gain insights from your conversations, and schedule calls without the headache of time coordination.
per month
per month, per user